Thread App reaches 70million users - Zuckerberg

Date: 2023-07-07

Meta’s latest social media app, Thread, has now reached 70 million users worldwide following its official launch 48 hours ago, according to Mark Zuckerberg on his official thread platform.

"70 million sign ups on Threads as of this morning. Way beyond our expectation," he said.

The new Instagram app for text-based messaging, which seems to have many similarities to Twitter after downloading, enables users to link up their Instagram page, customize their profile and follow the same accounts they already follow on Instagram.

Although Thread is making waves around the globe, its owner, Meta is been threatened with a legal suit from Elon Musk’s Twitter. 

According to media reports, Twitter is insinuating that, amongst other things, Meta hired former Twitter employees who have access to trade secrets.

Meta on Wednesday officially launched a new app called Threads, which is intended to offer a space for real-time conversations online, a function that has long been Twitter’s core selling point.

The listing, which first appeared earlier this week as a teaser, emphasizes its potential to build a following and connect with like-minded people.

“The vision for Threads is to create an option and friendly public space for conversation,” Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a Threads post following the launch. “We hope to take what Instagram does best and create a new experience around text, ideas, and discussing what’s on your mind.”

Meta said messages posted to Threads will have a 500-character limit. The company said it was bringing the app to 100 countries via Apple’s iOS and Android.




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