MTN South Africa launches MTN Xlerator a catalyst for inclusive economic growth

Date: 2023-09-08

MTN South Africa has launched the MTN Xlerator program to accelerate its commitment to Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD). This initiative is poised to reshape local supply chains, stimulate economic growth, and champion inclusivity in the South African business landscape.

In a LinkedIn post on Friday, MTN South Africa highlighted the pivotal role of MTN Xlerator in ramping up procurement and development spending in key areas to expedite and maximize outcomes. The telecom giant aims to bolster supply chain resilience through increased supplier diversity, strength, collaboration, and adaptability in the face of ever-changing operating conditions and challenging economic climates.

The MTN Xlerator program has set ambitious targets to enhance procurement spending and the development of local suppliers. Among its key objectives is the commitment to allocate procurement spending of R50 million or more to 50 black-owned suppliers, up from 13 in 2021. Additionally, MTN South Africa plans to increase the number of active Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs) in its supply chain from 70 to 140 and expand the pool of Exempted Micro Enterprises (EMEs) from 66 to 120. Importantly, MTN is also committed to broadening and diversifying the supply chain, with a goal of increasing the number of black-owned women suppliers from 65 to 120.

MTN's Total Measured Procurement Spend (TMPS) has witnessed remarkable growth, surging from approximately R26 billion in 2018 to over R44 billion in just five years. Impressively, R17 billion of this spending was directed towards entities that are at least 30% Black Women-Owned during the 2022 financial year.

Charles Molapisi, the CEO of MTN South Africa, expressed his enthusiasm for the MTN Xlerator program and its potential to make a profound impact on South Africa's economic landscape. He also highlighted the urgent need for greater inclusivity, recognizing that many talented individuals with innovative ideas are often left without access to support for their businesses. As a brand born during South Africa's democratic dawn, MTN believes it has a critical responsibility to drive positive change and make a tangible difference in the lives of South African


By: Kanto Okanta

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