Xiaomi and Huawei have officially entered into a global patent licensing agreement

Date: 2023-09-13

Huawei Technologies and Xiaomi Inc signed a global patent cross-licensing deal, as per Huawei's statement on Wednesday.

The deal covers communication technologies including 5G, it said, and marks the resolution of a patent licensing dispute between the two firms.

Local Chinese media reported in March that Huawei was suing Xiaomi for alleged infringement of four registered patents mainly related to wireless communication technology, smartphone photography and screen lock technology.

Huawei also has patent license agreements with other tech players such as Oppo and South Korea's Samsung. Last month it renewed a similar agreement with Ericsson.

In July, Huawei said it received $560 million in royalty revenues in 2022, and that it had earned more than it paid out in royalties over the last two years as the decline in handset sales meant it needed to pay less to other intellectual property holders.

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