President Kagame advocates for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance Africa's progress

Date: 2023-09-18

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has advocated for harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance Africa's progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Speaking at the United Nations' Digital Day event in New York, President Kagame reiterated the pivotal role of AI in the SDG agenda, highlighting the need for it to serve as a catalyst rather than an obstacle.

He underlined Africa's advantage—a youthful and dynamic population that is enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and self-improvement. He stressed the imperative of bridging the digital divide to empower Africa's youth, ensuring they have access to safe and meaningful online connections. Such access, he noted, enables them to compete globally and realize their full potential.

“We cannot afford to have the digital divide stifle their creativity and productivity. Connecting them online, in a safe and meaningful manner, is about giving them the opportunity to compete in the global market, and achieve their full potential,” he stated.

During the event, President Kagame was joined by notable figures, including Deputy UN Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin, UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, and Microsoft Vice Chair and SDG Advocate Brad Smith. Together, they unveiled the SDG Digital Acceleration Agenda, showcased groundbreaking digital solutions, and launched the High Impact Initiative on Digital Public Infrastructure. These initiatives aim to scale up SDG solutions and drive sustainable, inclusive digital transformation.

The SDG Digital Day event coincided with the 2023 SDG Summit hosted by the UN General Assembly, marking the midway point on the journey to 2030 and intensifying digital support to achieve the SDG agenda.

Additionally, President Kagame's agenda included chairing the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC), a platform that convenes Rwandan and international experts to provide strategic advice to the Rwandan government. This advisory council focuses on innovative interventions to propel Rwanda's socioeconomic transformation and address regional and global issues of significance to the nation.

As part of his engagements, President Kagame will participate in the General Debate of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, where world leaders will come together to discuss pressing global issues.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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